Android App Localization: Effective Tool for Entering New Markets

Android app localization will help take your product to the next level. This article will show you how to make app localization for Google Play effective.
Picture of Daryna Khyzhko
Daryna Khyzhko

Editorial Team Lead

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Entering new markets is an excellent opportunity to increase improve app visibility, reach as many users as possible, and generate more revenue. When adapting your product to a new region, it’s important to know the features of each platform and the nuances of working with them. In this article, we will talk about Android app localization. Our experts have also prepared for you a guide to app localization for the App Store.

Many developers tend to adapt their games and applications for their native language and international English. However, limiting yourself to these two options is a mistake, especially considering that it is tricky to break into the first lines of search results in the US.

It’s important to remember that the main consumers of Android products are in Asia. — Asolytics Team

Therefore, to master new sales markets, you can look for a less competitive environment and aim at other languages.

ASO localization means exploring a new region. Don’t think you only need to translate the app descriptions and interface. To make a really well-adapted product, you will have to immerse yourself in the cultural and religious features, understand current trends, and study your competitors’ activity in this direction.

Android Localization Benefits

When creating any product, you expect it to start bringing you income after a while. So, its Google Play Store localization is a step towards increasing profits. Thanks to it, you will be able to bring your application or game to the top of search queries in the regions you count on, that is, increase its visibility and accessibility.

When internationalization and customization are done well and professionally, it raises user loyalty, improving the conversion rate from views to installations. This way, you can expand your customer base and reach the maximum number of consumers. The store currently supports 50 languages (77 including dialects) and is available in 143 countries. If you want, you can localize your product to literally any language, even if it is not supported by Google Play. Besides, the localization of an app itself, taking into account the cultural and religious characteristics of a region, contributes to an increase in the retention rate.

Location map of users who use the Google Play

While there are many obvious localization benefits for your business, there are still products for which it isn’t required. If you build a food delivery or taxi app, chances are it will function in a particular region. To adapt such an item for other languages ​​and countries is simply illogical. In other cases, if you create an app that is not georeferenced, localization is a mandatory step to go global.

Google Play Features

Google Play offers developers slightly more optimization opportunities than Apple App Store. Here, the effectiveness of ASO is influenced by: title, short description, and description. An item title is limited to 50 characters. It should be original and include a relevant search query.

On Google Play, special attention should be paid to the product description, as the platform’s internal algorithms index it. You are required to write a quality description that contains keywords. There is no separate field for keywords, so they should be in the body text. Since all the information you write is visible to readers, you cannot use competitors’ brand names. At the same time, watch out for keyword density. With a maximum allowable description of 4000 characters, their volume should not exceed 2%.

Google Play analyzes both user feedback and developer responses. Therefore, you can include keywords in your answers. The main thing is to make sure that they fit into the context organically and not interfere with the general idea. Also, keep in mind that Google’s algorithms study each user’s behavior. Search results are ranked based on the actions of each person.

Mobile App Localization Tips

The goal of ASO strategy, in general, and localization in particular, is to increase conversions, provide uninterrupted downloads, reach the largest audience, increase profits, and reduce the cost of acquiring new customers. Here is how to do localization in Android to ensure that all your work brings a positive result.

  1. Analyze the market and target group
    The key to good localization lies in analyzing the market you plan to enter. Understanding culture, traditions, religion, and modern trends will positively affect your product promotion. You should know that, for example, white color in Japan and India is associated with mourning, while throughout the world, it’s a symbol of peace and tranquility. For such regions, graphic elements should be modified accordingly.
  2. Localize all page assets
    It is wrong to think that a simple translation of all texts is enough. Localization includes both the adaptation of a title, description, captions, and keyword ranking app, as well as screenshots and videos. One set of visual symbols works well in one country and not very well in another. If you go to the global market, you need to replace the screenshots, for example, take photos of people of a different nationality or use another graphic style. You can add up to eight screenshots in Play Market, but users will only see the first ones due to narrow screens.
  3. Adapt the app itself
    Localizing a page in Google Store is the first step towards adapting a product for a new market. You should also localize the Android application or game itself. In general, experts recommend planning expansion at the initial stage of development. By building on the idea of ​​product internationalization, you can avoid major problems in the future. Remember that when translating texts from English into, for instance, Portuguese or German, the total volume increases by an average of 15-30%. Some words may simply not fit on a small interface button.
  4. Work with natives
    No matter how deeply you explore new markets, understanding cultural differences is likely to be challenging. That is why it is worth involving native copywriters and marketers in your work. They probably know slang, laws, and generally accepted norms well and have the necessary tools to analyze the Android target audience in their region. You can make your product visible and available for a specific market using any local app localization service.
  5. Improve the original
    The quality of localization directly depends on the original’s quality. The original product should be top-notch to engage foreign consumers. Make sure there are no logical, stylistic, or grammatical errors in it. When compiling a technical specification for translators and marketers, paying special attention to the desired style, tone of speech, forbidden words, and much more is essential. Specialists involved in adaptation should be able to convey exactly the meaning and style of the original.

Master Android Localization to Enter New Markets

The benefits of localization for your business are clear. Now you can start choosing a market. You could pick the most popular languages in Google Store and simply adapt your product for them. However, this approach is irrational, and you still need to do some preliminary research. To select a priority market for localization, you need to analyze its profitability and study the mobile app industry statistics. Some languages ​​not only give a large audience but also show high purchasing power (for example, the so-called FIGS group). You can start exploring new markets from them and then move on to Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and so on.

When you decide on the direction(-s), you can proceed to a detailed app analysis, the study of language features, and the collection of a semantic core. When developing an ASO for a new market, an integrated approach is essential, as it takes into account the culture, traditions, mentality, interests, residents’ lifestyle, and even the activities of your competitors. Suppose all the preliminary preparation is carried out with high quality. In that case, you will be able to interest new consumers since you will speak the same language.

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